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The Gift of Music in Chaotic Times

Just this past week, my honey and I had the pleasure of taking in the glorious sound of The Blues as we drove from the market. While I cannot recall the names of the songs we were singing, I can recall the laughter that filled the car as we sang out of tune. I can also recall the conversation we had about how incredibly creative Blues musicians were to pair a story with the just right music; music that ultimately took their storytelling to another whole level. We had the best time. For those moments, the gift of music erased COVID-19 from our minds and turned the car into our own personal Blues supper club . . . minus the cuisine.

But that's the magic of music, right? It takes us places. It causes us to feel things. It reminds us of people and experiences we've had with people. Music comforts us through painful situations and makes us dance through joyous ones. Music reaches across coasts and continents. It transcends race, status and age.

"I've seen little babies rocking out to music that can't hardly walk."

-Vaughn Bratcher

Without even thinking about it, our feet and hands are seduced into movement. From the youngest amongst us to the oldest, music finds its way into our souls. "I've seen little babies rocking out to music that can't hardly walk," reminisces my guest, Vaughn Bratcher, during our conversation. I have seen the same thing and each time my joy cup overflows. There is no getting around it, the vibrational sensation of music makes life better. I guess that's why one of my absolute favorite escapes is dancing. My God, how I love to dance.

It is my hope that you are allowing the musical offerings of virtual parties, Alvin Ailey performances, or solo concerts from some of your favorite artists to lift your spirits during this time of quarantine. And if you're tired of logging on, just turn the radio to your station of choice, sit back and let the magic of music take you away.

Click here to get a taste of The Bratcher Project.

Click here to enjoy The Bratcher Project at the Chestertown Jazz Festival.

Click here to enjoy virtual Alvin Ailey performances.

As a sweet musical treat and flashback, click here to enjoy President Obama's 2016 Tribute to Ray Charles at the White House.

Don't forget to pre-order your copy of my new book When We Grow. Until next time, please stay safe.

With Overflowing Gratitude,


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